Comment on the organisational factors that could have contributed to the accident


General Answers for the organizational factors that leads to accident. Select suitable points according to the scenario and explain

Comment on the organisational factors that could have contributed to the accident
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 1. Lack of sufficient safety training for employees

2. Inadequate safety protocols in place

3. Poor communication between different departments

4. Failure to conduct regular safety inspections

5. Insufficient safety equipment provided to workers

6. Lack of proper maintenance of machinery and equipment

7. Ignoring previous safety incident reports

8. Failure to address safety concerns raised by employees

9. Inadequate supervision of work activities

10. Lack of clear safety policies and procedures

11. Pressure to meet production targets at the expense of safety

12. Failure to provide proper emergency response procedures

13. Poor safety culture within the organization

14. Lack of safety leadership from management

15. Inadequate risk assessment procedures in place

16. Poor coordination between contractors and regular employees

17. Lack of safety incentives for employees

18. Ignoring safety recommendations from external audits

19. Lack of employee involvement in safety decision-making

20. Inadequate resources allocated to safety programs

21. Failure to conduct regular safety training refreshers

22. Lack of effective communication about safety issues

23. Failure to learn from past safety incidents

24. Inadequate safety documentation and reporting systems

25. Lack of accountability for safety responsibilities

26. Ignoring safety regulations and guidelines

27. Lack of safety committees or safety representatives

28. Poor management of change processes within the organization

29. Inadequate emergency response drills and training

30. Failure to incentivize and reward safe work practices


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