Contractor Management - Nebosh IGC Answer key


1. Verify the contractor's certification and registration with relevant professional bodies or organizations.

2. Assess the contractor's experience in similar projects or tasks.

3. Review the contractor's track record and past performance through references and testimonials.

4. Evaluate the contractor's knowledge and understanding of applicable health and safety regulations and standards.

5. Check the adequacy of the contractor's health and safety management systems.

6. Consider the contractor's risk assessment capability and their ability to identify and mitigate hazards.

7. Assess the contractor's ability to effectively communicate and coordinate with key stakeholders.

8. Evaluate the contractor's training and competency programs for their employees.

9. Verify the contractor's compliance with legal requirements, such as insurance coverage and liability indemnity.

10. Review the contractor's incident and accident reporting and investigation procedures.

11. Evaluate the contractor's resources and equipment for the specific project or task.

12. Assess the contractor's ability to provide a well-defined method statement and work plan.

13. Consider the contractor's capability to manage and supervise their workforce.

14. Evaluate the contractor's approach to managing subcontractors and ensuring their competence.

15. Assess the contractor's ability to adhere to project timelines and deliverables.

16. Evaluate the contractor's knowledge of environmental management practices.

17. Consider the contractor's ability to provide regular progress reports and feedback.

18. Assess the contractor's ability to integrate with the client's existing health and safety management systems.

19. Evaluate the contractor's approach to continuous improvement and learning from incidents.

20. Consider the contractor's financial stability and ability to fulfill contractual obligations.

21. Evaluate the contractor's approach to assessing and managing occupational health risks.

22. Assess the contractor's experience in emergency planning and response.

23. Consider the contractor's approach to monitoring and auditing health and safety performance.

24. Evaluate the contractor's commitment to employee consultation and participation.

25. Assess the contractor's approach to implementing corrective actions and lessons learned.


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