Nebosh IGC May 2023 Answers

Nebosh IGC May 2023 Answers

Task 1. What was ineffective about how the SM managed the contractor while on site at the café? 


1. Failure to return the owner's call and acknowledge the need for supervision of the contractor on the day of the repair.

2. Poor communication with the workers and the contractor regarding the repair work, leading to confusion and mismanagement.

3. Neglecting to inform the workers of the contractor's arrival and purpose, leading to the worker at the counter being unprepared and not knowing what to do.

4. Refusing to supervise the contractor and delegating this responsibility to a worker who was not adequately informed or trained to do so.

5. Failing to ensure the contractor had the necessary information and tools to complete the repair safely and efficiently.

6. Prioritizing the turnover of customers over the safety and wellbeing of the workers and customers.

7. Failing to assess and manage the risks associated with bringing additional furniture inside during a busy and rainy day.

8. Insufficient training and support provided to the workers to manage increased workload and customer demands.

9. Ignoring concerns raised by workers about the increased workload and its impact on their health and Wellbeing.

10. Inadequate management of worker sick days, leading to increased absenteeism and potential loss of productivity.

11. Lack of attention to workplace hazards, such as the step leading to the second seating area, which could cause accidents and injuries.

12. Prioritizing the interests of the business over the interests of the workers, leading to a toxic work environment and low morale among the workers.

Task 2. Comment on the effectiveness of roles and responsibilities in relation to health and safety management at the café.


1. Proper delegation of roles and responsibilities in a workplace ensures that each employee understands their duties and obligations.

2.It helps to identify potential risks and hazards in the workplace, and ensures that measures are in place to minimize these risks.

3. The owner of the café is responsible for providing a safe working environment for all employees and customers.

4. The part-time shift manager is responsible for supervising the café operations.

5. The full-time and part-time workers have a responsibility to follow safety guidelines and procedures, report any hazards or safety concerns to the management, and ensure they take necessary precautions to prevent accidents.

6. The owner has a responsibility to provide safety training and resources for all workers to protect them from harm.

7.The owner and shift manager must communicate with workers to establish best practices, procedures, and safety protocols.

8. Clear communication is crucial, especially when dealing with safety concerns, equipment faults, or repairs.

9. In the case of the café, the owner took the responsibility to call the coffee machine company to fix the faulty machine, and instructed the shift manager to supervise the repair.

10. The shift manager is accountable for ensuring that contractors, such as the coffee machine repair person, are properly supervised when working on-site.

11. The workers have a responsibility to inform the management of any safety issues or hazards in the workplace, such as the step in the seating area.

12. The management has a responsibility to take action and implement safety measures, such as placing a sign warning of the step.

13. It is essential to conduct regular safety inspections to identify and correct potential hazards.

14. All workers should be trained on how to handle equipment, such as the coffee machine, safety.

Task 3. Based on the scenario, here are 14 ways to improve verbal communication between all workers at the café.


1. Conduct team-building activities to improve communication and teamwork.

2. Encourage open and honest communication between workers and management.

3.Hold regular staff meetings to discuss any concerns and share ideas.

4. Implement a system for workers to provide feedback to management.

5. Provide training to workers on how to communicate effectively.

6. Establish clear protocols for tasks and responsibilities, especially when there is a change in management.

7. Use clear and concise language when giving instructions or directions.

8. Ensure that all workers are aware of safety hazards and concerns, and encourage them to report any incidents or near-misses.

9. Provide workers with clear guidelines on how to handle customer complaints or difficult situations.

10.Establish clear expectations for workload and productivity, and ensure that workers are not overworked.

11.Encourage workers to speak up if they are feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

12.Ensure that all workers are aware of any changes in policies or procedures.

13.Use positive reinforcement to acknowledge workers' efforts and achievements.

14. Ensure that all workers are aware of any changes to the café's operating hours or schedule.

Task 4.

The accident book indicates that there have been several occurrences of people tripping over the step.How could an investigation of these near misses have helped prevent the accident? 


1. Identify the frequency and location of near misses: By investigating the accident book, it was discovered that several people had tripped over the step. This information can help identify patterns of near misses, including the frequency and location of incidents.

2. Analyze the causes of near misses: Investigation of near misses can help identify the underlying causes of accidents. In this case, the investigation can help determine why people are tripping over the step, whether it is due to poor lighting, lack of signage, or other reasons.

3. Gather information from witnesses: By speaking with witnesses who have experienced near misses, you can gather valuable information that can help

prevent future accidents. Witnesses may be able to provide insight into the cause of the near miss, as well as suggestions for how to prevent similar incidents in the future.

4. Evaluate existing safety measures: Investigation of near misses can help identify weaknesses in existing safety measures. In this case, it may be necessary to re-evaluate the placement of the step or install additional safety measures such as handrails or warning signs.

5. Identify training needs: Near misses can provide an opportunity to identify gaps in worker knowledge or training. If the cause of the near miss is related to worker behavior, additional training may be necessary to prevent futureaccidents.

6. Involve workers in the investigation: Workers who have experienced near misses can provide valuable insight into the cause of the incident and may have suggestions for how to prevent similar accidents. Involving workers in the investigation can also help improve communication and foster a culture of safety.

7. Implement corrective actions: After identifying the cause of the near miss, corrective actions should be implemented to prevent future accidents. This may include changes to equipment or processes, additional safety measures, or changes to worker behavior.

8. Identify Root Causes: An investigation into near misses can help identify the root causes of the problem. For example, if the near misses all occurred due to poor lighting or cluttered pathways, then addressing these issues can prevent future accidents.

9. Implement Corrective Actions: Once the root causes have been identified, corrective actions can be implemented to prevent similar incidents. For example, improving lighting, removing clutter, or adding warning signs can reduce the risk of tripping over the step.

10.Improve Training: Near misses can also highlight training gaps that need to be addressed. For example, workers may need additional training on how to identify and report hazards, or on safe work practices such as keeping pathways clear.

Task 5. Employers have obligations under Recommendation 10 of International Labour Organisation R164 - Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation,1981 (No. 164), and also under Article 16 C155 –Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No.155).

Which of these employer obligations are likely to have been contravened at the café?


Risk assessment: Employers are required to conduct risk assessments to identify potential hazards and take appropriate measures to prevent harm to employees. It appears that the cafe did not conduct a proper risk assessment of the workplace to identify hazards.

1. Provision of a safe workplace: Employers must provide a safe and healthy work environment. The cafe did not provide a safe workplace for its employees, as evidenced by the lack of proper lighting, uneven floors, and the absence of warning signs.

2. Safety policies and procedures: Employers are required to implement safety policies and procedures and provide training to employees to ensure they are aware of the risks associated with their work. It appears that the cafe did not have proper safety policies and procedures in place.

3. Safety equipment and protective gear: Employers must provide appropriate safety equipment and protective gear to employees to prevent accidents and injuries. The cafe did not provide employees with appropriate safety equipment or protective gear.

4. Reporting of accidents and injuries: Employers are required to report accidents and injuries to relevant authorities and keep records of such incidents. It appears that the cafe did not report accidents or injuries to relevant authorities or keep proper records.

5. Emergency preparedness: Employers must have an emergency preparedness plan in place to deal with emergencies that may occur at the workplace. The cafe did not have a proper emergency preparedness plan in place.

6. Provision of adequate resources: Employers must provide adequate resources to ensure that employees can work safely. The cafe did not provide adequate resources such as proper lighting, warning signs, or safety equipment.

7. Consultation and participation: Employers must consult with employees and their representatives regarding health and safety matters and encourage their participation in the development and implementation of safety policies and procedures. The cafe did not consult with employees or their representatives regarding health and safety matters.

8. Training and supervision: Employers must provide appropriate training and supervision to employees to ensure they can work safely.It appears that the cafe did not provide adequate training or supervision to its employees.

9. Health and safety committees: Employers must establish health and safety committees to monitor and improve workplace safety. The café did not establish a health and safety committee.

10. Workplace inspections: Employers must conduct regular workplace inspections to identify potential hazards and take appropriate measures to prevent harm to employees. The cafe did not conduct regular workplace inspections. 

11.Provision of adequate facilities: Employers must provide adequate facilities for employees to work safely, such as proper lighting, ventilation, and sanitation facilities. The cafe did not provide adequate facilities for its employees.

12.Control of hazardous substances: Employers must control exposure to hazardous substances and provide appropriate protective equipment and training to employees. It appears that the cafe did not have proper controls in place for hazardous substances.

13.Maintenance of equipment and machinery: Employers must ensure that equipment and machinery are properly maintained and safe to use. The cafe did not maintain its equipment and machinery properly.

14.Psychological health and safety: Employers must take steps to prevent harm to employees' psychological health and safety. It appears that the cafe did not take appropriate measures to address potential psychological hazards in the workplace.

15.Injury compensation: Employers must provide compensation for employees who are injured at work. It appears that the cafe did not provide adequate compensation to injured employees.

16. Workplace violence and harassment prevention: Employers must takesteps to prevent workplace violence and harassment. It appears that the cafe did not have proper policies or procedures in place to address workplace violence or harassment.

17.Worker consultation and representation: Employers must consult with and involve workers and their representatives in matters relating to health and safety. It appears that the cafe did not involve workers ortheir representatives in health and safety matters.

18.Provision of first aid: Employers must provide first aid equipment and trained personnel to respond to workplace injuries and illnesses. The cafe did not provide adequate first aid equipment or trained personnel.

19.Elimination of hazards: Employers must take steps to eliminate hazards in the workplace where possible. It appears that the cafe did not take adequate steps to eliminate hazards in the workplace.

Task 6.

(a) What organisational factors could have contributed to the accident? 

(b) What individual human factors of workers could have contributed to the accident? 

Part-A Answer.

1. Lack of proper training: The cafe failed to provide proper training to its employees on how to identify and report hazards, handle equipment, and maintain a safe working environment.

2. Poor supervision: There was a lack of supervision of employees while they were carrying out their tasks, leading to mistakes and unsafe practices.

3. Inadequate communication: There was a breakdown in communication between the cafe management and its employees regarding safety procedures and hazards, leading to misunderstandings and confusion.

4. Failure to learn from previous incidents: The café had experienced several incidents of people tripping over the step, but no proper investigation was conducted to identify the root cause and prevent future occurrences.

5. Pressure to meet production targets: The cafe management may have put pressure on employees to meet production targets, which could have resulted in employees cutting corners on safety procedures.

6. Poor maintenance: The uneven floor in the cafe was a result of poor maintenance, indicating a lack of attention to maintaining a safe working environment.

7. Inadequate risk assessment: The cafe did not conduct a proper risk assessment to identify potential hazards and implement appropriate measures to prevent harm to employees.

8. Lack of safety culture: There was a lack of safety culture in the café, with employees and management not placing enough importance on safety practices.

9. Insufficient resources: The cafe did not provide sufficient resources such as proper lighting, warning signs, or safety equipment, which could have contributed to the accident.

10.Inadequate supervision of contractors: The café did not properly supervise the contractors on site, peading to potential hazards.

11.Poor layout and design: The layout and design of the cafe may have contributed to the accident, with the step being poorly designed and placed in a high-traffic area.

12.Lack of employee involvement: The cafe management did not involve employees in identifying potential hazards or developing and implementing safety procedures, leading to a lack of ownership and commitment to safety practices.

Part-B Answer.

1. Lack of communication: The shift manager did not respond to the owner's message regarding the broken coffee machine and the need to supervise the contractor.

2. Overconfidence: The worker who carried the tray of hot drinks was confident that they could navigate through the narrow space without bumping into anything.

3. Lack of awareness: The worker who carried the tray of hot drinks did not notice the customer sitting at the extra table until the last moment.

4. Inexperience: The part-time worker who was supervising the contractor may have been inexperienced  in managing repair work in the café.

5. Pressure to perform: The shift manager insisted that tasks be completed quickly, which may have caused the worker to hurry and not pay enough attention to their surroundings.

6. Lack of teamwork: The other workers were too busy serving customers to help the worker who was setting up the extra tables.

7. Lack of training: The worker who carried the tray of hot drinks may not have received sufficient training on how to navigate through a crowded café.

Task 7. Following the accident, the owner has asked you to review first-aid arrangements at the café.What would you consider in your review to determine if first-aid provision is realistic and proportionate at the café?


1. When reviewing the first-aid arrangements at the cafe, the following factors should be considered to determine if the first-aid provision is realistic and proportionate:

2. Number of employees: The first-aid provision should be based on the number of employees working at the cafe. The more employees, the higher the likelihood of accidents, and the greater the need for first-aid higher the likelihood of accidents, and the greater the need for first-aid provision.

3. Type of work: The type of work being carried out at the cafe should be taken into account when reviewing first-aid arrangements. Work involving hot liquids, sharp knives, and electrical equipment carries a higher risk of accidents and injuries.

4. Location of the café: The location of the cafe should be considered, as it may affect the response time of emergency services. If the café is located in a remote area, first-aid provision may need to be more comprehensive.

5. Previous accidents and near misses: Any previous accidents or near misses should be taken into account when reviewing first-aid arrangements. This can help identify any areas where first-aid provision may need to be improved.

6. Employee training: The cafe owner should ensure that employees have received adequate first-aid training to deal with common accidents and injuries that may occur in the workplace.

7. First-aid equipment: The cafe should have adequate first-aid equipment on hand, including items such as bandages, plasters, and antiseptic wipes.

8. Accessibility: The first-aid equipment should be easily accessible and clearly marked to ensure that employees can quickly locate and use in the event of an emergency.

9. First-aid facilities: The cafe owner should ensure that there is a suitable area for administering first aid and that it is stocked with the necessary equipment.

10.First-aiders: The cafe owner should appoint employees to act as designated first-aiders and ensure they have received the appropriate training.

11.Record keeping: The cafe owner should keep records of any accidents or injuries that occur in the workplace and how they were treated.

12.Risk assessment: The cafe owner should conduct a risk assessment to identify potential hazards and take appropriate measures to prevent

harm to employees.

13.Compliance with regulations: The cafe owner should ensure that their first-aid arrangements comply with relevant regulations and


14.Communication: The cafe owner should ensure that all employees are aware of the first-aid arrangements and know what to do in the event

of an emergency.

15.Reviewing the arrangements: The cafe owner should regularly review the first-aid arrangements to ensure they remain realistic and proportionate and that they are meeting the needs of the cafe and its employees.

16. Accessibility: First-aid equipment should be easily accessible to all employees, and the designated first-aider should be easily identifiable. The review should ensure that the equipment is located in a central, visible, and easily accessible location.

17.Communication: Effective communication is crucial in first-aid situations. The review should consider how communication will be managed during an emergency, such as the provision of a dedicated phone line or radio system.

Task 8. Comment on the reactive (lagging) monitoring measures that could be put in place by the café. 


1. Reactive monitoring measures are put in place after an incident or accident has occurred to identify the cause of the event and to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. Here are some examples of reactive monitoring measures that the café could put in place:1. Accident investigation: The cafe should conduct an investigation of the

accident to identify the root cause and contributing factors. This will help determine what actions need to be taken to prevent a similar accident in the


2. Near-miss reporting: The cafe should encourage employees to report near-

miss incidents to identify potential hazards and prevent accidents from occurring in the future.

3. Incident reporting and analysis: The cafe should implement an incident

reporting system to track and analyze accidents, injuries, and near-miss incidents to identify trends and patterns.

4. Corrective actions: The cafe should implement corrective actions based on the findings of the accident investigation, near-miss reporting, and incident

analysis. This may include changes to policies and procedures, training programs, or physical changes to the workplace.

5. Review of first-aid arrangements: The cafe should review its first-aid

arrangements to ensure they are adequate and appropriate. This include sensuring that first-aid equipment is readily available, that employees are

trained in first aid, and that the first-aid kit is regularly maintained and replenished.

6. Review of safety policies and procedures: The cafe should review its safety policies and procedures to ensure they are adequate and up-to-date. This includes reviewing risk assessments, ensuring that safety procedures are followed, and providing regular safety training to employees.

7. Safety culture improvement: The cafe should work to improve its safety culture by encouraging employees to report safety concerns, promoting safety awareness, and recognizing and rewarding safe behaviors. This will help create a positive safety culture and reduce the likelihood of accidents and incidents in the future.

8. Regular safety audits: The cafe should conduct regular safety audits to identify potential hazards and ensure that safety policies and procedures are being followed. This will help identify areas where improvements can be made to prevent accidents and incidents from occurring.

9. Employee involvement: The cafe should involve employees in the development and implementation of safety policies and procedures. This will help ensure that employees are aware of potential hazards and are committed to maintaining a safe work environment.

10.Monitoring of effectiveness: The cafe should monitor the effectiveness of its reactive monitoring measures to ensure that they are achieving the desired results. This includes reviewing incident and accident data, evaluating corrective actions, and making adjustments as needed.

11.Investigating and analyzing near misses and accidents to identify trends and root causes that can be addressed to prevent future incidents.

12.Conducting regular safety audits and inspections to identify potential hazards and risks in the workplace and take appropriate measures to control or eliminate it

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